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The new Klik! DataCompareLib is a tool which compares and sychronizes the data differences in your MSAccess 97/2000/XP/2003 databases. It’s simple and yet detailed wizard style interface will allow you to compare, make deep analysis and generate the merge scripts to make the compared databases datas equal. A script applying tool, ScriptRunner, is included with the package to easily apply the generated scripts later...



Klik! DataCompareLib is a tool which can be used to compare and synchronize the data differences in MSAccess (Including 97/2000/XP/2003) databases and can compare Identical, Different, Missing and Additional records. It's optimized compare engine allows you to do the compare process in a small amount of time even in the largest databases...

With an independent nature from MSAccess with being a standalone application, Klik! DataCompareLib has a simple and yet detailed wizard style user interface. This interface will allow you to give different options to do the compare and also allows you to investigate the compare results in a detailed record level...

When do you need Klik! DataCompareLib :

- Moving your datas between your development and live databases
- Repair the errors occured on your replication process
- Create the data scripts for pre-ready datas in your empty databases
- ...


One Unique feature of Klik! DataCompareLib is that it doesn't only show the differences but also synchronizes the compared databases to make them equal. It will allow you to create the merge scripts which will make the compared databases equal and also a sample small application, ScriptRunner, is added into the package which you can use to apply the generated scripts to databases...

Please take some time and download the trial version of Klik! DataCompareLib to see how usefull it can be for you. The setup package also includes 2 sample MDBs for practice and evaluation for purposes so you can see Klik! DataCompareLib right in the action. Don't forget that, Klik! DataCompareLib requires MDAC 2.7 or above with the Jet 4.0 drivers to work properly. If your system doesn't have them please goto http://www.microsoft.com/data to download and install those packages into your system...

Features :

- Compatible with MSAccess 97/2000/XP/2003...
- Independent nature from MSAccess as a standalone application...
- Simple and yet detailed interface for making deep analysis ...
- Ability to save compare configuration which can be load later for quick start on regular comparisons...
- Blazingly fast compare engine which takes a small amount of time even with the largest databases...
- Ability to generate merge scripts which can be applied to the compared databases to make them equal...


We have prepared different type of licenses for different type of needs. Please click one of the links below to go to the relevant page :

1 User License 199$
4 Users License 399$
8 Users License 599$
Site Wide License 999$

The best way to see what our products does is to download and evaluate a trial version. Please click here to get the trial version of Klik! DataCompareLib v1.0 for MSAccess.

A Murphy rule says that no application can be bugfree!:) Please click here to get the latest update pack for Klik! DataCompareLib v1.0 for MSAccess.

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01.19.2010 - Klik! Windows Forms Library v1.0. has been released...
Create next generation windows forms screens easily...
01.19.2010 - Klik! ListLib.Net v1.0. has been released...
Add Next Generation Listing Functionality to Your Screens...
06.30.2009 - Klik! IconPack v1.0. has been released...
Complete Your Screens for a State of the Art Look...
06.30.2009 - Klik! NavigationLib.Net v1.0. has been released...
Add Next Generation Navigation Functionality to your Screens...

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John Hamersley
SaturnVisual Solutions Ltd.

Klik! EntryLib.Net Customer
  (C) 2002-2007 Klik! Software. All Rights Reserved.