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A powerful programming component that allows developers to easily add into their application sophisticated text formatting and display capabilities typically seen only in large word processing programs.

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DataObjx offers custom solutions on database driven web applications and desktop applications. They are also a close follower of Klik! Software products and even have tutorials on how to use our products in their website.

Development Blog

Our development blog is now live where you can get information about upcoming developments and all other things about Klik! Software

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01.19.2010 - Klik! Windows Forms Library v1.0. has been released...
Create next generation windows forms screens easily...
01.19.2010 - Klik! ListLib.Net v1.0. has been released...
Add Next Generation Listing Functionality to Your Screens...
06.30.2009 - Klik! IconPack v1.0. has been released...
Complete Your Screens for a State of the Art Look...
06.30.2009 - Klik! NavigationLib.Net v1.0. has been released...
Add Next Generation Navigation Functionality to your Screens...

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Matthew Turner
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