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Development Blog

Our development blog is now live where you can get information about upcoming developments and all other things about Klik! Software

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01.19.2010 - Klik! Windows Forms Library v1.0. has been released...
Create next generation windows forms screens easily...
01.19.2010 - Klik! ListLib.Net v1.0. has been released...
Add Next Generation Listing Functionality to Your Screens...
06.30.2009 - Klik! IconPack v1.0. has been released...
Complete Your Screens for a State of the Art Look...
06.30.2009 - Klik! NavigationLib.Net v1.0. has been released...
Add Next Generation Navigation Functionality to your Screens...

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I'm pleased to say that the Klik! Support team was able to find the bug and send me a new build of KRes2.ocx that fixed the problem! This was very fast, and very helpful, I'm impressed. The workaround did work, but this is even better. I told a co-worker about this over lunch and though he's less of a 3rd-party fan than I am, thought this was about 'best case' support. My own clients really liked that their windows were remembering the last size/position they used them (a SizePos feature) and that my largest screen now works much better on a 800x600 screen (a Resizer feature) Thanks!

Larry Baxter
Advanced Process Combinatorics Inc.

Klik! LayoutBundle Customer
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